Monday, April 29, 2024

What happened in Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

ninth house summary

A local ghost, the Bridegroom, who purportedly killed his finance and then himself more than a century ago, helps her out and they strike a deal. In return for his finding Tara’s spirit on the other side, Alex will investigate the Bridegroom’s case—the ghost believes that someone else killed him and his fiancée Daisy. After a few months, a routine check goes wrong and Darlington disappears. Dean Sandow believes a portal has gone wrong and prepares a ceremony to bring the young man back at the next new moon. However, the ritual seems to fail and what appears instead is a hellbeast, which the dean  successfully banishes.

Ninth House Summary & Study Guide Description

Find out about new books, tour dates, and giveaways first. We don’t share your info and we’ll only contact you with big news. Oh and share this with your friends who might like to read a recap of Ninth House. We hope you enjoyed this Ninth House summary with spoilers.


ninth house summary

Her continued investigation leads her to Wolf’s Head, a society skilled in shapeshifting. Here, she strikes a chilling deal with the Bridegroom Grey, Bertram Boyce North. In exchange for information about Tara’s death, she agrees to probe into the murder of his fiancée, Daisy. This uncovers a link between Tara’s tattoo and Scroll and Key, a society intrigued by portal magic. She’s the latest body the soul of Daisy, the Bridegroom’s fiancé, hasinhabited after she died. She was the one who was interested in the ghosts andtheir potential all those years ago and summoned one to the room the day shedied.

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Alex relies on the ghost of North to fend off her attacker, thereby deepening their connection. Lance’s inquiry about Tara’s aggressor intensifies the mystery. Dawes, through a magical ritual, heals Alex’s wounds, which also facilitates a dialogue with North, exposing his tragic history of possession and murder. I started this website in 2009 and quickly realised I enjoy writing and blogging about books almost as much as reading them. Hope you enjoy browsing my book reviews & following my reading adventures. Even the characters’ responses to the ‘magic’ they encounter somehow feel authentic.

Distress hits home when Alex finds Mercy, her roommate, caught in a scandalous video. Recognizing the influence of a Manuscript drug, Merity, Alex confronts Mike Awolowo, the Manuscript’s president. Using her tact, she secures the video’s recall and inflicts a shameful retaliation on Blake, the video’s perpetrator.

What to Read

The first time was when she was on a middle school fieldtrip and a Gray began to rape her in the girls’ bathroom. This time, another Gray, the Bridegroom, stopped theattack. Since she gets almost nothing out of Detective Turner, Alexuses a charmed compulsion coin to coerce the coroner at the scene to give heras much information on Tara (the victim) as possible. Alex then goes to themorgue to look at the body for clues. Even though something has felt off aboutthis crime from the beginning, Alex can find no evidence to dismiss the policeconclusion that Tara was murdered in an act of passion by her boyfriend. Alexeven goes into Tara’s mind and sees her boyfriend Lance’s face hovering overher during her last moments.

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Before her initiation into Lethe, she struggled with drug addiction and school dropout, unable to comprehend her spectral visions. Haunting her still is a tragic event at Ground Zero that resulted in her hospitalization and the death of her friend, Helen “Hallie” Watson, along with several others. Still searching for answers to this herself, Alex arrives in New Haven tasked by her mysterious benefactors with monitoring the activities of Yale’s secret societies. These eight windowless “tombs” are well-known to be haunts of the future rich and powerful, from high-ranking politicos to Wall Street and Hollywood’s biggest players.

ninth house summary

Still, Alex knows that something weird happened during this prognostication. She kills the dean and attempts to devour Alex, but Alex calls on the dead for help, freeing the souls the professor had absorbed. However, I would probably only recommend this book to people who think they want to follow this series. A lot of this book is focused on setting up the series. As a standalone book, the plot and the mystery are just okay.

Finally, she finds out that Blake bought the Merity drug from Lance and Tara. In a flashback, we learn some of Darlington’s back story. His great-great-great-grandfather made a fortune selling rubber boots.

Dean Sandow, who oversees Lethe, tells Alex to stand down, but Alex investigates anyway. The narrative takes a chilling turn, recounting the night of Darlington’s disappearance. Unraveling Alex’s unique ability to host spirits and the sudden emergence of a portal complicates the already tense situation. A heartbreaking flashback exposes Len’s abusive nature and Hellie’s tragic death.

When Alex confronts Dean Sandow about her findings, Dean Sandow admits he killed Tara (a secret society paid him to create a new nexus), but also says that it didn’t work. Professor Belbalm then interrupts to admit that she is actually Daisy’s soul residing in another possessed woman’s body. She is a Wheelwalker, like Alex, which is why they both have special powers. Consuming human souls keeps her alive, but also creates these new nexuses.

It’s a thoroughly-conceived world and Bardugo has clearly taken great pains to set it up to encompass a wide range of stories. Each of the eight houses, plus the titular Ninth House that oversees them, has its own abilities and powers which make for diverse narrative possibilities. The unfolding drama has Alex in the throes of combat with a mechanic, who is unexpectedly Lance, revealing clues of his innocence.

North cannot find Tara’s ghost in the Veil, so he asks Alex to bring him a personal item of Tara’s. Alex sneaks into Tara’s apartment, only to be attacked by Tara’s boyfriend Lance. Alex somehow forces North to possess her, and fights back. Suddenly, Turner arrives and Lance uses portal magic to teleport back to his jail cell. Dean Sandow told her to stand down regarding this death, but she borrows Darlington’s car to go to morgue anyway and uses magic to see what happened to Tara.

Darlington’s parent were neglectful and instead, Darlington was raised by his grandfather. When his grandfather passed away the estate required that it be left to his parents, but Darlington was left with a small college trust and the house. His parents told him to sell the house, but Darlington refused because he knew his grandfather wouldn’t want that. He started dabbling in elixirs as a hobby and managed to brew something that landed him in the hospital and led Dean Sandon to offer him a place at Yale. After Sandow leaves, Alex and Dawes’s next stop is Wolf’s Head, where they deal in shapeshifting. Dawes thinks they may be able to help her talk to the dead so she can communicate with the Bridegroom.

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